Thursday, October 27, 2011

Grandmother Huss turns 93!

 Everyone is the age of their heart.  ~Guatemalan Proverb

Sunday afternoon Mike and I made the journey over to his parent's house to celebrate Grandmother Huss and her 93rd birthday. What a treat!

After a delicious lunch of lasagna, Mike's dad busted out the guitar to lead us all in a round of Happy Birthday.
And then it was time for my favorite part of any birthday..... the CAKE!

As you can see Grandmother Huss had many helpers

It was a lovely afternoon catching up with family and celebrating this milestone. Happy Birthday Grandmother Huss!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wasting away again in Margaritaville

One day over lunch Shannon mentioned that the Jimmy Buffett concert was coming in October. I had never been to Jimmy Buffett so I just filed that info away without a second thought.

Then came the e mail from Jackie that Jimmy Buffett was coming and they were tailgating. I took this as a sign that I needed to see what Cheeseburgers in Paradise tasted like. I promise that is the last Jimmy Buffett song reference.

October 20th could not come soon enough!

As we pulled in to the tailgating area I could tell this was going to be a good time! The crazy hats, the RV's with dance floors on them, the margarita machines going at full blast, this concert is definitely an EVENT
We located the Griffith compound with ease and commenced with the grilling and the drink making. I am glad they didn't start without us!

Hanging with Scooter and Jackie and the rest of the Mesa crew is always a good time and tonight was no exception. There was a rousing game of cornhole and the music was going. We scarfed down some burgers and the guacamole that Mike made for us did not last very long.

The concert was great! We got a spot on the lawn up by the wall so we were out of the crowd and could just enjoy the fantastic weather as we sat under the stars and did some people watching.

I am so glad that I went! I am no longer a Buffett virgin.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Great Bowls of Chili!

 On October 15th the masses descended upon the Hand household for the 2nd annual Chili Cook Off!
Jackie Griffith was the winner from last year so she was strutting around showing off the winner's apron.
All TEN of the chili entries (double the amount from 2010) were lined up and ready for tasting.

We got smart this year and had smaller tasting cups so that the tasters wouldn't get too full from the first few tastes.

Also new for 2011, we had categories for the spiciest, the most original and the best overall recipe. I knew we were all in trouble when mom said she had "dynamite" in her freezer and she was ready to unleash it on the tasters.

As we waited for the sun to set and the heat of the day to break, everyone enjoyed chatting, listening to some Johnny Cash, playing games and painting pumpkins.  We also sampled the other treats brought by everyone. Jackie's caramel apple dip did not last long.

The tasting began at about 4:30 PM. There was a frenzy at the tasting tables and everyone was excited and ready to judge! A clear front runner for the spiciest chili was crock pot number 5.

After much fun and deliberation, the winners of the Hand Chili Cook Off 2011 were Susan Hand for the best overall recipe, Tony Scardina for the most original recipe and Irene Hand for the spiciest recipe.

It was a great time and I can't wait for next year!