Thursday, August 30, 2012

Supporting Farmer's Markets

Mike and I went to the Central Farmer's Market on Saturday. Here are some pictures of the fruits and veggies on offer.

They also have live music inside and lots of other local artists, food trucks and delicious food artisans. I think that's a thing. Anyway, get out and support your local farmers. Here are a few resources to find a location near you.

Monday, March 5, 2012

All dressed up and ready to go!

The dogs and I are headed off to do some hiking. We have been making the most of our fantastic weather with hikes at Thunderbird Park and North Mountain.

Today we are going to do an oldie but a goody, Squaw Peak Circumference Loop. It is a nice little 2 mile hike. Not too difficult and very pretty this time of year.
Reece has the water bottles, she's ready!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Old becomes new again!

If you haven't been yet, you should rush on over to the new Richardson's Restaurant

They moved to a new location, combined with the Rokerij and created a gorgeous patio in between. Here's a tip... if you sit on the patio you can have food from either menu. This is really nice for those of us that have a hard time making up our mind. 

Mike and I ate there with the family last Sunday and then I came back with my mom and sister on Thursday and then for the trifecta, Mike and I were back for a Brunch date on Sunday. 

It is such a great place to sit out and enjoy our beautiful Spring weather, eat some delicious food (cheese enchiladas and eggs) and sip some of their fresh squeezed orange juice.

Richardson's, I have missed you. I am excited that you are back and I will see you again soon!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hiking season!

Am I the only one that feels guilty if I don't get outside and enjoy this glorious weather? I just know it is going to turn in to 100 + degree weather and I will be wishing for these days.

On that note, I decided to try out a new place to hike. It's Thunderbird Mountain Park at 59th Avenue and Deer Valley. There are lots of trails at all different levels. It was a great hike and I can't wait to go back!
 The trail is dog friendly and there were lots of people out there with their pups enjoying this beautiful day. Lily and Reece were pretty pooped as you can see. They were just wanting me to snap the picture so they could get back in the shade.

What are your favorite hiking trails?